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  1. To introduce various inference techniques for nonlinear POMP models as alternatives to likelihood-based inference.

  2. To undestand how these alternative techniques can be used to complement the use of likelihood based inference, despite their loss of statistical efficiency and/or additional assumptions.

  3. To provide some introduction to how these analyses can be carried out using the pomp package.

  4. Just as for our treatment of ARMA models, and other linear Gaussian time series models, we’re focusing on likelihood-based inference for nonlinear POMP models in this course. However, if you feel a need or desire to investigate alternatives, this chapter describes some options.

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Plug-and-play methods

14.2.1 Full-information and feature-based methods

  • Full-information methods are defined to be those based on the likelihood function for the full data (i.e., likelihood-based frequentist inference and Bayesian inference).

  • Feature-based methods either consider a summary statistic (a function of the data) or work with an an alternative to the likelihood.

  • Asymptotically, full-information methods are statistically efficient and feature-based methods are not.

    • Loss of statistical efficiency could potentially be an acceptable tradeoff for advantages in computational efficiency.

    • However, good low-dimensional summary statistics can be hard to find.

    • When using statistically inefficient methods, it can be hard to know how much information you are losing.

    • Intuition and scientific reasoning can be inadequate tools to derive informative low-dimensional summary statistics (Ionides 2011, Shrestha et al. 2011).

  • With full-information methods, it can be hard to work out which feature, or features, of the data have strong influence on the conclusions of the data analysis.

  • Fitting the model to some selected feature, or features, can help establish whether those aspects of the data are informative about parameters of interest, and whether these features are in agreement with the rest of the data.

14.3 Bayesian and frequentist methods

14.4 Full-information plug-and-play frequentist methods

14.5 Summary of POMP inference methodologies

Frequentist Bayesian
Plug-and-play Full-information iterated filtering particle MCMC
Feature-based simulated moments ABC
synthetic likelihood
Not-plug-and-play Full-information EM algorithm MCMC
Kalman filter
Feature-based Yule-Walker extended Kalman filter
extended Kalman filter

14.6 POMP inference methodologies in pomp

Methodology pomp function
iterated filtering mif2()
particle Markov chain Monte Carlo pmcmc()
approximate Bayesian computing abc()
feature-based synthetic likelihood probe.match()
nonlinear forecasting nlf()


These notes draw on material developed for a short course on Simulation-based Inference for Epidemiological Dynamics by Aaron King and Edward Ionides, taught at the University of Washington Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases, 2015.


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