1. Monthly Traffic Fatalities in Ontario (1960-1974)

  2. Total fertility rate and marriage rate in South Korea

  3. Monthly Industrial Production Index in Brazil from January 1980 to December 1997

  4. Pollution Equipment Time Series

  5. Currency Exchange Rate between USD and JPY

  6. Earthquakes World Wide from 1917 to 2017

  7. Analysis on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index

  8. Effect of Global Warming on Discharge Rate of the Colorado River

  9. Time series analysis for the sunspots amount from 1900 to 1983

  10. Application of ARMA models to describe vaginal microbiota composition

  11. Human Duodenal MMC Phase 3 Motility Model Based on Manometry Readings

  12. A study in temporal behavior of influenza mortality

  13. Study on Association between Car Accident and Temperature in New York

  14. The Association of the Performance of Gun Stocks with the Party of the President and Mass Shootings

  15. Study of Snowfall in Michigan

  16. Historical Measles Incidence in New York City

  17. A Study on Straight Road Driving

  18. Modeling Dengue case counts in San Juan, Puerto Rico

  19. Monthly reported number of chickenpox in New York from 1931 to 1972

  20. Do Returns Have Trends, Long Memory, Autocorrelation and Cycles?: Evidence from Markets of Different Financial Products and Regions

  21. The Association Between Home Purchase Prices and Effective Interest Rates

  22. Association Between Public Use of Share Bike in San Francisco and Daily Mean Temperature

  23. An Analysis of Michigan Traffic Crash and Snowfall

  24. A Study on US Natural Gas Storage and Weather

  25. An Investigation of Democratic Support in the 2018 US Midterm Elections

  26. Coursera Learner Signups

  27. Which Airport should you choose to avoid flight delayed

  28. Relationship between CNH to USD Exchange Rate and S&P 500 Index

  29. Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) transmission

  30. Analysis of the Timeliness of Northwest’s Planes Arriving at Detroit

  31. Time Series Analysis for Live Births in South Korea

  32. Monthly US air passenger miles from Jan 1960 to Dec 1977

  33. Venice: Rising Sea Levels and a Sinking City?

  34. Modeling and Predicting Gold Prices

  35. PM2.5 concentration in Shanghai, China

  36. Time Series Analysis of Sunlight in Michigan

  37. Suicide time series in Austrailia

  38. Time Series Analysis for Log Returns of S&P500

  39. An Analysis of Shanghai Car License Plate Auction Price

  40. A Study on US Interest Rate and Inflation

  41. Curious about Bitcoin?

  42. The Relationship between the NASDAQ Index and Crude Oil Price

  43. The Association between Unemployment Rate and the Consumer Price Index

  44. Time series analysis of NASDAQ index

  45. Analysis on Subscriber Number and Earnings of a Youtuber

  46. Monthly Criminal Incidents in Chicago