Welcome to STATS 401 (Applied Statistical Methods II). Homework 0 involves getting your laptop ready for the course. There is nothing to turn in, but please let the instructor or GSI know about any difficulties that arise.

  1. R. You may have used R before, and if not this is the time to start! Install R on your laptop if it’s not already there. It is available at www.r-project.org

  2. RStudio. RStudio is a popular environment for carrying out statistical analysis in R. You can choose whether or not to access R through RStudio for this course, but many people find that a convenient approach. It can be downloaded from www.rstudio.com

  3. Class notes. Class notes and source code will be posted at ionides.github.io/401w18/. You may bring a laptop to class, or print out a copy of the notes. You should be prepared to add annotations.

  4. Optional use of Github. Complete class materials are at github.com/ionides/401w18. If you are familiar with Github, or choose to learn to use it, cloning this repository is a convenient way to keep up-to-date copies of all course files on your computer.