In the previous project, I found that rainfall could be a potential driver for recent cholera epidemics in Hati using preliminary cross-correlation analysis. In order to obtain better insights into the interaction between rainfall and cholera transmission, in this study, I further examine the cross-correlation between transmission (using difference of log incidence as an approximate) and rainfall (smoothened by different functions). As follow-up, I implement a mechanistic model in an effort to explain the possible mechanism regarding how rainfall could drive cholera epidemics in Haiti.
Case Data Cholera daily incidence by departments is available on Ministere de la Sante Publique et de la Population (MSPP) website. Report is published everyday in pdf formate. From 2012 to 2015, There are 120 dates missing in the database. Half of the data points appear to be missing at random; however, some of the data missing throughout large segments in time, particularly in October 2013 and June 2014. These missing data may bias the outcomes given the non-systematic distribution of the size of the missing data in time and the fact that the missing points located when the cholera outbreak usually occurs. Data crawling and parsing are managed using python 2.7.10
Rainfall Data Corresponding daily precipitation estimates are pulled from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). The coordinate of geographical coverage is longitude [-73.120633, -72.226589] and latitude [18.838958, 19.805066] with resolutions of 0.25° x 0.25°. Fig 1 below shows rainfall and incidence data in recent outbreaks (01/01/2012-12/31/2015).
Fig 1: daily cholera incidence and rainfall time series
Transmission approximate
Fig 2: difference of log(incidence)
Rainfall data smoothing
I have tried three smoothing methods here:
in order to see the magnitude of frequency in the rainfall data (Re(fft_rain)
, Fig 3). We can sort of see that there are some relative stronger signals before y = 20; however, it is very hard to determine the cutoff of noise. Therefore, I just decide the range by visualizing various cutoff, and here is the smoothing I come out with (Fig4) which will be used in the following analysis.Fig 3: daily cholera incidence and rainfall time series
Fig 4: FFT-smoothed rainfall
to interpolate the daily points (Fig5).Fig 5: linear-interpolation-smoothed rainfall
to interpolate instead. (Fig6)Fig 6: spline-interpolation-smoothed rainfall
CCF and pre-whitening CCF
Fig 7: cholera transmission and smoothed rainfall
on all three rainfall-transmission pairs (Fig 8). The CCFs of all three pairs look very similar, and all show very obvious sinusoidal pattern. However the strongest signals from the three plots all suggest that future rainfall (~45 days) is positively correlated with cholera transmission, which is contradicted against what we thought earlier.Fig 8: cross-correlation between smoothed rainfall and cholera transmission
Fig 9: pre-whitening cross-correlation between smoothed rainfall and cholera transmission
Fig 10: AR model diagnostics (Residual ACF)
SIRW model overview
\[\frac{dS}{dt}=-\beta _ISW-\beta _WSW\] \[\frac{dI}{dt}=\beta _ISW+\beta _WSW-\gamma I\] \[\frac{dR}{dt}=\gamma I\] \[\frac{dW}{dt}=\xi I-\xi W\]
The SIRW model is then implemented into a stochastic model using pomp
with daily incidence as output. In order to account for measurement error, we assume each data point is drawn based on poisson random variables with mean = \(Ik\), where \(k\) is reporting rate.
The initial condition of each state is: \[ S(0)=1000000 \] \[ I(0)=100\] \[W=5\]
\(S(0)\) is about 2/3 of Artibonite’s total population (~1,727,524), and I(0) is based on the incidence data with the estimated reporting rate from WHO (5%~10%)(‘WHO | the global burden of cholera’ 2016). W(0) is rather arbitrary, which is decided by fitting the model several times. I do not take R into account here since I assume there is no lose of immunity. \(/gamma\) is the recovery rate which is fixed at 0.25 given the estimates from WHO (~4 days)(2016).
I play with other parameter values using deterministic model to have better picture of the model’s behavior. The SIRW model with rainfall forcing function appears to be able to capture the seasonality of choler incidence with proper \(\beta_I\), \(\beta_W\) ratio and low \(\xi\) (to make sure the rainfall effect from waterborne pathway plays a role) as long as the early epidemics do not burn out the susceptible populations (therefore low \(\beta_I\) and \(\beta_W\) too). I then fit the deterministic model to daily incidence data from MSPP using Nelder-Mead method with traj.match
, Using the fitted parameter values (\(\beta_I=2.28e-07\)s,\(\beta_W=3.23e-07\), \(\xi=6.30e-07\),$ k= 3.02e-02$), Fig 11, and Fig 12 show the results of trajectory and simulation produced by deterministic and stochastic process respectively.
Fig 11: SIRW trajectory
Fig 12: SIRW simulation
with the same fitted parameter set. The result of likelihood is shown below:
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 52.833 52.977 53.018 53.068 53.171 53.411
Likelihood estimation
{sirw_Np=200; sirw_Nmif=5; sirw_Neval=10; sirw_Nglobal=10; sirw_Nlocal=10}
to just get a sense what might look like.Optimization and parameter estimation
(Ionides et al. 2015). However, while look at the likelihood plot, it is hard to tell if the optimization is successful or the likelihood surface given the small number of iterations.## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 52.988 54.905 55.793 55.416 56.293 56.808
Fig 13: Loglike and parameters (local optimization)
Fig 14: Loglike and parameters (global optimization)
Fig 15: Filtering diagnostics (global optimization)
Fig 15: Filtering diagnostics (global optimization)
The cross-correlation analysis shows that rainfall somewhat associates with cholera transmission with certain time dependence. It does not tell us more than that, especially it does not suggest rainfall can be a precedent driver for cholera transmission. However, as we can see from the diagnostic plots for pre-whitening CCF, those AR models do not describe rainfall pattern very well. The pre-whitening CCF might not be a very tool to look at the correlation for rainfall and cholera transmission.
Even though difference of \(log(incidence)\) could be a good way to approximate disease transmission, it could still be biased by some measurement errors. The sudden sharp peaks could either be from large transmission or simply the delay of reporting.
Also, the way I implement rainfall function in this model is very naive (by simply multiply rainfall and force of infection together). I do not consider any effects of lags or any other why rainfall could interaction with cholera transmission. Moreover, as I mentioned in previous project, increasing rainfall could have opposite influence on cholera transmission (eg. excess amount of water can also dilute the pathogen in the water). Therefore, it is important to think about more detailed method to refine the model, so the model can better explain the data and also help us better understand the effect of rainfall on disease transmission process.
Furthermore, I need to think more carefully about the interpretation and scaling of the SIWR model. For example, it is hard to explain the parameter and state values, especially even though the value of W can be seen as a abstract representation of pathogen concentration, I cannot explain what the value really means in practice, which might make it hard to measure it in the real life (if we need to).
The last but not the least. I had a hard time to find reasonable ranges for parameter without exploding iterated filtering optimizer (usually it happens when some of the states go to negative..). I will need to find a better way to set up the optimizer for future use.
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