1. Experience of air quality and temperature difference
In the past 7 years, I was living in Beijing. There has been terrible air pollution since I went to university there. It was most serious from 2010 to 2012. We had to wear facial masks and reduce outdoor activities. Even with those protection, it is still a threat to health.Beijing began monitoring PM 2.5 levels in 2013 amid rising public concerns over pollution in the city.
From my own experience, those days with a high pm2.5 seemed to have a smaller temperature difference within the day. In summer it brought stuffiness and in winter there seemed less wind.
May there be relationship between pm2.5 and the temperature difference? We can analyse using time series methods.
2. Data and fitted models
2.1 ARMA model with no transformation on data
x <- read.csv(file="temp_pm25_2010_2012.csv",header=T)
## Time pm2.5 TMAX TMIN TD
## 1 2010-01-01 129.00000 -16 -102 86
## 2 2010-01-02 144.33333 -21 -63 42
## 3 2010-01-03 78.37500 -44 -99 55
## 4 2010-01-04 29.29167 -85 -134 49
## 5 2010-01-05 43.54167 -75 -156 81
## 6 2010-01-06 59.37500 -59 -167 108
There are five variables in this processed dataset, Time, pm2.5, TMAX, TMIN and TD(for temperature difference) The we can code the pm2.5 and TD seperately.
Write \({p_n^*}\) for PM2.5 in day \(t_n=2010-01-01+n\).
Write \({d_n^*}\) for temperature difference in day \(t_n\).
t <- x$Time
p <- x$pm2.5
d <- x$TD
plot(ts(cbind(p,d)),main = "PM2.5(pm25) and temperature difference(td) for Beijing",xlab="Day")
spectrum(p,method='ar',main="Spectrum of p")
spectrum(d,method='ar',main="Spectrum of d")
From the spectrum plots we can see that there are some difference between those two time series. The temperature difference always respond to an AR process with one more parameter than the PM2.5.
The temperature difference data can be fitted by an ARMA(2,1)(best small model) model, and the PM2.5 data can be fitted by an ARMA(1,1)(best small model) model.
Then we want to investigate the relationship between temperature difference and PM2.5.
For example, we can try to analyse \(d_{1:N}\) using a regression with ARMA errors model, \[ d_n = \alpha + \beta p_n + \epsilon_n,\] where \(\{\epsilon_n\}\) is a Gaussian ARMA process.
An ARMA(4,3) model is suggested according to the AIC table, however, it is not stable with many parameters and there appear some inconsistencies around high orders in the AIC table.
We noticed that a smaller model ARMA(2,1) is suggested by a relatively small AIC. We can try to fit the data with this ARMA(2,1) model.
arima(d,order=c(2,0,1), xreg=p)
## Call:
## arima(x = d, order = c(2, 0, 1), xreg = p)
## Coefficients:
## ar1 ar2 ma1 intercept p
## 1.3275 -0.3445 -0.9335 99.9070 -0.0384
## s.e. 0.0367 0.0328 0.0201 4.0202 0.0152
## sigma^2 estimated as 998.2: log likelihood = -5164.43, aic = 10340.86
The standard errors, computed from the observed Fisher information approximation, suggest a statistically significant association between cyclical variation in PM2.5 and temperature difference.
We can also compute a p-value from a likelihood ratio test
log_lik_ratio <- as.numeric(
logLik(arima(d,xreg=p,order=c(2,0,1))) -
LRT_pval <- 1-pchisq(2*log_lik_ratio,df=1)
This gives a p-value of 0.01198262
There have been report that the PM2.5 related air pollution is more serious year by year. Let’s see what happend in 2012.
p2012 <- p[706:1060]
d2012 <- d[706:1060]
t2012 <- as.Date(t[706:1060])
## Call:
## arima(x = d2012, order = c(2, 0, 1), xreg = p2012)
## Coefficients:
## ar1 ar2 ma1 intercept p2012
## 1.3374 -0.3551 -0.9214 99.9762 -0.0475
## s.e. 0.0622 0.0575 0.0305 7.7602 0.0288
## sigma^2 estimated as 1014: log likelihood = -1732.6, aic = 3477.21
There is some suggestion that the association is stronger in year 2012, since the coefficients are larger, but the difference is not large compared to the standard error on the coefficient.
Let’s have a look at the fluctuations of both time series in 2012, we can see clearly they are negatively correlated.
axis(side=4, col="red")
2.2 Analysis of temporal differences
delta_p <- p[2:1060] - x$pm2.5[as.numeric(x$Time) %in% (as.numeric(t)-1)]
t2 <- as.Date(t[2:1060])
d2 <- d[2:1060]
In the plot, temperature difference is in black and with left axis, and differenced PM2.5 is in red and with right axis.
The relationship seems more clear. We fit with an ARMA(2,1) model again (suggested by AIC).
We can also compute a p-value from a likelihood ratio test
log_lik_ratio <- as.numeric(
logLik(arima(d2,xreg=delta_p,order=c(2,0,1))) -
LRT_pval2 <- 1-pchisq(2*log_lik_ratio,df=1)
## Call:
## arima(x = d2, order = c(2, 0, 1), xreg = delta_p)
## Coefficients:
## ar1 ar2 ma1 intercept delta_p
## 1.3200 -0.3371 -0.9308 95.7360 0.0398
## s.e. 0.0375 0.0335 0.0207 3.8717 0.0124
## sigma^2 estimated as 995.1: log likelihood = -5157.9, aic = 10327.79
3. Conclusions
There is clear evidence of some association between the temperature difference and the PM2.5 in Beijing from 2010 to 2013.
High PM2.5 might contribute to a decrease in temperature difference. They are negatively correlated.
A large change in PM2.5 indicates a larger temperature difference.
There is some evidence that in year 2012, the PM2.5 made more effects on the temperature difference, which resulted in some climate change.
More data, especially data from more cities with similar climates, might be able to improve the signal to noise ratio and lead to clearer results. This will give us more statistical precision than only with data from one particular city, Beijing.
Here, it is not considered plausible that temperature difference fluctuations drive PM2.5 fluctuations.
In this analysis we already found the association with no time lag. There should be some other problem to be concerned. The PM2.5 is averaged for each day. However the temperature difference is simply calculated using TMAX-TMIN. There might be a lagged effects of PM2.5 on temperature difference. It has been revealed by the Analysis of temporal differences. But if we can have access to and compare hourly temperature change and hourly PM2.5, that will be a great help in revealing the relationship between the two time series.
In conclusion, we have found substantial evidence to support a claim that high PM2.5 CAUSES a decrease in temperature difference.
4. Some supplementary analysis
4.1 Model selection by AIC
low_aic_table <- aic_table(d,5,6,xreg=p)
MA0 | MA1 | MA2 | MA3 | MA4 | MA5 | MA6 | |
AR0 | 10593.24 | 10403.03 | 10382.67 | 10365.41 | 10366.99 | 10362.64 | 10363.23 |
AR1 | 10363.26 | 10362.35 | 10352.36 | 10349.43 | 10345.73 | 10346.45 | 10347.71 |
AR2 | 10363.23 | 10345.17 | 10357.60 | 10353.82 | 10345.31 | 10346.36 | 10348.23 |
AR3 | 10360.08 | 10359.07 | 10343.19 | 10344.94 | 10346.65 | 10348.19 | 10350.14 |
AR4 | 10362.07 | 10359.67 | 10344.91 | 10336.20 | 10338.77 | 10350.29 | 10351.43 |
AR5 | 10357.49 | 10348.15 | 10346.67 | 10337.71 | 10339.39 | 10340.68 | 10347.48 |
low_aic_table <- aic_table(d,5,6,xreg=delta_p)
MA0 | MA1 | MA2 | MA3 | MA4 | MA5 | MA6 | |
AR0 | 10593.24 | 10403.03 | 10382.67 | 10365.41 | 10366.99 | 10362.64 | 10363.23 |
AR1 | 10363.26 | 10362.35 | 10352.36 | 10349.43 | 10345.73 | 10346.45 | 10347.71 |
AR2 | 10363.23 | 10345.17 | 10357.60 | 10353.82 | 10345.31 | 10346.36 | 10348.23 |
AR3 | 10360.08 | 10359.07 | 10343.19 | 10344.94 | 10346.65 | 10348.19 | 10350.14 |
AR4 | 10362.07 | 10359.67 | 10344.91 | 10336.20 | 10338.77 | 10350.29 | 10351.43 |
AR5 | 10357.49 | 10348.15 | 10346.67 | 10337.71 | 10339.39 | 10340.68 | 10347.48 |
This suggests that the model with ARMA(2,1) is the best small model.
There are some larger models with impressive AIC values. For example, let’s look at the fitted model with ARMA(4,3) errors.
## Call:
## arima(x = d, order = c(4, 0, 3), xreg = p)
## Coefficients:
## ar1 ar2 ar3 ar4 ma1 ma2 ma3
## 0.1860 0.9442 -0.0856 -0.0848 0.2190 -0.8632 -0.1981
## s.e. 0.8132 0.3350 0.6876 0.2340 0.8139 0.0432 0.7051
## intercept p
## 99.8480 -0.0401
## s.e. 4.0311 0.0152
## sigma^2 estimated as 991.7: log likelihood = -5160.98, aic = 10341.96
4.2 Residual analysis
r <- resid(arima(d,xreg=p,order=c(2,0,1)))
We can see that the residuals of the fitted model is well modeled by Gaussian white noise, which means a good fit. All the residuals are within the dashed lines showing pointwise acceptance regions at the 5% level under a null hypothesis of Gaussian white noise.
The presence of some small amount of sample autocorrelation is consistent with the AIC table, which finds the possibility of small gains by fitting some larger models to the regression errors.
5. References
The PM2.5 data is collected from U.S. Department of State Air Quality Monitoring Program http://www.stateair.net/web/historical/1/1.html The temperature data is collected from National Climite Data Center.