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Produced with R version 3.4.3 and pomp version 1.16.
Discuss covariates in POMP models as a generalization of regression with ARMA errors.
Demonstrate the use of covariates in pomp to add demographic data (birth rates and total population) and seasonality to an epidemiological model.
Present a case study, developing and fitting a POMP model with covariates.
Suppose our time series of primary interest is \({y_{1:N}^*}\).
A covariate time series is an additional time series \({z_{1:N}}\) which is used to help explain \({y_{1:N}^*}\).
When we talk about covariates, it is often implicit that we think of \({z_{1:N}}\) as a measure of an external forcing to the system producing \({y_{1:N}^*}\). This means that the process generating the data \({z_{1:N}}\) affects the process generating \({y_{1:N}^*}\), but not vice versa.
When we make an assumption of external forcing, we should try to make it explicit.
In regression analysis, we usually condition on covariates. Equivalently, we model them as fixed numbers, rather than modeling them as the outcome of random variables.
When the process leading to \({z_{1:N}}\) is not external to the system generating it, we must be alert to the possibility of reverse causation and confounding variables. Further discussion of this issue, in the context of a time series analysis, is given in the case study on An association between unemployment and mortality?.
Issues involved in inferring causation from fitting statistical models are essentially the same whether the model is linear and Gaussian or not.
The main tool we have seen previously for investigating dependence on covariates is regression with ARMA errors.
This tool can also be used to identify lag relationships, where \({y_{n}^*}\) depends on \(z_{n-L}\).
Another way to investigate associations at different lags is by computing the sample correlation between \({y_n^*}\) and \(z_{n-L}\), for \(n\in L+1:N\), and plotting this against \(L\).
This is called the cross-correlation function and can be computed with the R function ccf
Time series modeling of regression errors is only one of many ways in which covariates could be used to explain a dynamic system.
In general, it is nice if scientific considerations allow you to propose sensible ways to model the relationship.
In an epidemiological model for malaria, rainfall might affect the number of mosquitoes (and hence the disease transmission rate) but not the duration of infection.
In an economic model, geopolitical shocks to the oil supply might have direct influence on energy prices, secondary direct effects on inflation and investment, and indirect consequences for unemployment.
In a hydrology model, precipitation is a covariate explaining river flow, but the exact nature of the relationship is a question of interest.
The general POMP modeling framework allows essentially arbitrary modeling of covariates.
Recall that a POMP model is specified by defining the following: \[\begin{array}{l} f_{X_{0}}(x_0{\, ; \,}\theta), \\ f_{X_{n}|X_{n-1}}(x_{n}{{\, | \,}}x_{n-1}{\, ; \,}\theta), \\ f_{Y_{n}|X_n}(y_{n}{{\, | \,}}x_n{\, ; \,}\theta), \end{array}\] for \(n=1:N\)
The possibility of a general dependence on \(n\) includes the possibility that there is some covariate time series \(z_{0:N}\) such that \[\begin{array}{lcl} f_{X_{0}}(x_0{\, ; \,}\theta)&=& f_{X_{0}}(x_0{\, ; \,}\theta,z_0) \\ f_{X_{n}|X_{n-1}}(x_{n}{{\, | \,}}x_{n-1}{\, ; \,}\theta) &=& f_{X_{n}|X_{n-1}}(x_{n}{{\, | \,}}x_{n-1}{\, ; \,}\theta,z_n), \\ f_{Y_{n}|X_n}(y_{n}{{\, | \,}}x_n{\, ; \,}\theta) &=& f_{Y_{n}|X_n}(y_{n}{{\, | \,}}x_n{\, ; \,}\theta,z_n), \end{array}\] for \(n=1:N\)
One specific choice of covariates is to construct \(z_{0:N}\) so that it fluctuates periodically, once per year. This allows seasonality enter the POMP model in whatever way is appropriate for the system under investigation.
All that remains is to hypothesize what is a reasonable way to include covariates for your system, and to implement the resulting data analysis.
The pomp package provides facilities for including covariates in a pomp object, and making sure that the covariates are accessible to rprocess
, dprocess
, rmeasure
, dmeasure
, and the state initialization at time \(t_0\).
Named covariate time series entered via the covar
argument to pomp
are automatically defined within Csnippets used for the rprocess
, dprocess
, rmeasure
, dmeasure
and initializer
Let’s see this in practice, using population census, birth data and seasonality as covariates in an epidemiological model.
The massive global polio eradication initiative (GPEI) has brought polio from a major global disease to the brink of extinction.
Finishing this task is proving hard, and improved understanding polio ecology might assist.
Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015) investigated this using extensive state level pre-vaccination era data in USA.
We will follow the approach of Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015) for one state (Wisconsin). In the context of their model, we can quantify seasonality of transmission, the role of the birth rate in explaining the transmission dynamics, and the persistence mechanism of polio.
Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015) carrried out this analysis for all 48 contigous states and District of Columbia, and their data and code are publicly available. The data we study, in polio_wisconsin.csv, consist of cases
, the monthly reported polio cases; births
, the monthly recorded births; pop
, the annual census; time
, date in years.
polio_data <- read.table("polio_wisconsin.csv")
## [1] "time" "cases" "births" "pop"
We implement the compartment model of Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015), having compartments representing susceptible babies in each of six one-month birth cohorts (\(S^B_1\),…,\(S^B_6\)), susceptible older individuals (\(S^O\)), infected babies (\(I^B\)), infected older individuals (\(I^O\)), and recovered with lifelong immunity (\(R\)).
The state vector of the disease transmission model consists of numbers of individuals in each compartment at each time, \[X(t)=\big(S^B_1(t),...,S^B_6(t), I^B(t),I^O(t),R(t) \big).\]
Babies under six months are modeled as fully protected from symptomatic poliomyelitis; older infections lead to reported cases (usually paralysis) at a rate \(\rho\).
The flows through the compartments are graphically represented as follows (Figure 1A of Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015)):
Polio model diagram
Since duration of infection is comparable to the one-month reporting aggregation, a discrete time model may be appropriate. Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015) fitted monthly observations from May 1932 through January 1953, so we define \(t_n=1932+ (4+n)/12\) for \(n=0,\dots,N\), and we write \[X_n=X(t_n)=\big(S^B_{1,n},...,S^B_{6,n}, I^B_n,I^O_n,R_n \big).\]
The mean force of infection, in units of \(\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\), is modeled as \[\bar\lambda_n=\left( \beta_n \frac{I^O_n+I^B_n}{P_n} + \psi \right)\] where \(P_n\) is census population interpolated to time \(t_n\) and seasonality of transmission is modeled as \[\beta_n=\exp\left\{ \sum_{k=1}^K b_k\xi_k(t_n) \right\},\] with \(\{\xi_k(t),k=1,\dots,K\}\) being a periodic B-spline basis. We set \(K=6\). The force of infection has a stochastic perturbation, \[\lambda_n = \bar\lambda_n \epsilon_n,\] where \(\epsilon_n\) is a Gamma random variable with mean 1 and variance \(\sigma^2_{\mathrm{env}} + \sigma^2_{\mathrm{dem}}\big/\bar\lambda_n\). These two terms capture variation on the environmental and demographic scales, respectively. All compartments suffer a mortality rate, set at \(\delta=1/60\mathrm{yr}^{-1}\).
Within each month, all susceptible individuals are modeled as having exposure to constant competing hazards of mortality and polio infection. The chance of remaining in the susceptible population when exposed to these hazards for one month is therefore \[p_n = \exp\big\{ -(\delta+\lambda_n)/12\big\},\] with the chance of polio infection being \[q_n = (1-p_n)\lambda_n\big/(\lambda_n+\delta).\]
We employ a continuous population model, with no demographic stochasticity (in some sense, the demographic-scale stochasticity in \(\lambda_n\) is in fact environmental stochasticity since it modifies a rate that affects all compartments equally). Writing \(B_n\) for births in month \(n\), we obtain the dynamic model of @martinez-bakker15: \[\begin{array}{rcl} S^B_{1,n+1}&=&B_{n+1}\\ S^B_{k,n+1}&=&p_nS^B_{k-1,n} \quad\mbox{for $k=2,\dots,6$}\\ S^O_{n+1}&=& p_n(S^O_n+S^B_{6,n})\\ I^B_{n+1}&=& q_n \sum_{k=1}^6 S^B_{k,n}\\ I^O_{n+1}&=& q_n S^O_n \end{array}\] The model for the reported observations, conditional on the state, is a discretized normal distribution truncated at zero, with both environmental and Poisson-scale contributions to the variance: \[Y_n= \max\{\mathrm{round}(Z_n),0\}, \quad Z_n\sim\mathrm{normal}\left(\rho I^O_n, \big(\tau I^O_n\big)^2 + \rho I^O_n\right).\] Additional parameters are used to specify initial state values at time \(t_0=1932+ 4/12\). We will suppose there are parameters \(\big(\tilde S^B_{1,0},...,\tilde S^B_{6,0}, \tilde I^B_0,\tilde I^O_0,\tilde S^O_0\big)\) that specify the population in each compartment at time \(t_0\) via \[ S^B_{1,0}= {\tilde S}^B_{1,0} ,...,S^B_{6,0}= \tilde S^B_{6,0}, \quad I^B_{0}= P_0 \tilde I^B_{0},\quad S^O_{0}= P_0 \tilde S^O_{0}, \quad I^O_{0}= P_0 \tilde I^O_{0}.\] Following Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015), we make an approximation for the initial conditions of ignoring infant infections at time \(t_0\). Thus, we set \(\tilde I^B_{0}=0\) and use monthly births in the preceding months (ignoring infant mortality) to fix \(\tilde S^B_{k,0}=B_{1-k}\) for \(k=1,\dots,6\). The estimated initial conditions are then defined by the two parameters \(\tilde I^O_{0}\) and \(\tilde S^O_{0}\), since the initial recovered population, \(R_0\), is specified by subtraction of all the other compartments from the total initial population, \(P_0\). Note that it is convenient to parameterize the estimated initial states as fractions of the population, whereas the initial states fixed at births are parameterized directly as a count.
Observations are monthly case reports, \(y^*_{1:N}\), occurring at times \(t_{1:N}\). Since our model is in discrete time, we only really need to consider the discrete time state process,. However, the model and POMP methods extend naturally to the possibility of a continuous-time model specification. We code the state and observation variables, and the choice of \(t_0\), as
polio_statenames <- c("SB1","SB2","SB3","SB4","SB5","SB6","IB","SO","IO")
polio_obsnames <- "cases"
polio_t0 <- 1932+4/12
We do not explictly code \(R\), since it is defined implicitly as the total population minus the sum of the other compartments. Due to lifelong immunity, individuals in \(R\) play no role in the dynamics. Even occasional negative values of \(R\) (due to a discrepancy between the census and the mortality model) would not be a fatal flaw.
Now, let’s define the covariates. time
gives the time at which the covariates are defined. P
is a smoothed interpolation of the annual census. B
is monthly births. The B-spline basis is coded as xi1,...,xi6
polio_K <- 6
polio_tcovar <- polio_data$time
polio_bspline_basis <- periodic.bspline.basis(polio_tcovar,nbasis=polio_K,degree=3,period=1)
colnames(polio_bspline_basis)<- paste("xi",1:polio_K,sep="")
covartable <- data.frame(
The parameters \(b_1,\dots,b_\mathrm{K},\psi,\rho,\tau,\sigma_\mathrm{dem}, \sigma_\mathrm{env}\) in the model above are regular parameters (RPs), meaning that they are real-valued parameters that affect the dynamics and/or the measurement of the process. These regular parameters are coded as
polio_rp_names <- c("b1","b2","b3","b4","b5","b6","psi","rho","tau","sigma_dem","sigma_env")
The initial value parameters (IVPs), \(\tilde I^O_{0}\) and \(\tilde S^O_{0}\), are coded for each state named by adding _0
to the state name:
polio_ivp_names <- c("SO_0","IO_0")
polio_paramnames <- c(polio_rp_names,polio_ivp_names)
Finally, there are two quantities in the dynamic model specification, \(\delta=1/60 \mathrm{yr}^{-1}\) and \(\mathrm{K}=6\), that we are not estimating. In addition, there are six other initial value quantities, \(\{\tilde S^B_{1,0},\dots,\tilde S^B_{6,0}\}\), which we are treating as fixed parameters (FPs).
polio_fp_names <- c("delta","K","SB1_0","SB2_0","SB3_0","SB4_0","SB5_0","SB6_0")
polio_paramnames <- c(polio_rp_names,polio_ivp_names,polio_fp_names)
Alternatively, these fixed quantities could be passed as constants using the globals
argument of pomp
. We can check how the initial birth parameters are set up:
covar_index_t0 <- which(abs(covartable$time-polio_t0)<0.01)
polio_initial_births <- as.numeric(covartable$B[covar_index_t0-0:5])
names(polio_initial_births) <- c("SB1_0","SB2_0","SB3_0","SB4_0","SB5_0","SB6_0")
polio_fixed_params <- c(delta=1/60,K=polio_K,polio_initial_births)
We read in a table of previous parameter search results from polio_params.csv
, and take the one with highest likelihood as our current estimate of an MLE. We can inspect that the fixed parameters are indeed set to their proper values.
polio_params <- data.matrix(read.table("polio_params.csv",row.names=NULL,header=TRUE))
polio_mle <- polio_params[which.max(polio_params[,"logLik"]),][polio_paramnames]
## delta K SB1_0 SB2_0 SB3_0
## 1.666667e-02 6.000000e+00 4.069000e+03 4.565000e+03 4.410000e+03
## SB4_0 SB5_0 SB6_0
## 4.616000e+03 4.305000e+03 4.032000e+03
## delta K SB1_0 SB2_0 SB3_0
## 1.666667e-02 6.000000e+00 4.069000e+03 4.565000e+03 4.410000e+03
## SB4_0 SB5_0 SB6_0
## 4.616000e+03 4.305000e+03 4.032000e+03
The process model is
polio_rprocess <- Csnippet("
double lambda, beta, var_epsilon, p, q;
beta = exp(dot_product( (int) K, &xi1, &b1));
lambda = (beta * (IO+IB) / P + psi);
var_epsilon = pow(sigma_dem,2)/ lambda + pow(sigma_env,2);
lambda *= (var_epsilon < 1.0e-6) ? 1 : rgamma(1/var_epsilon,var_epsilon);
p = exp(- (delta+lambda)/12);
q = (1-p)*lambda/(delta+lambda);
SB1 = B;
SB2= SB1*p;
SO= (SB6+SO)*p;
The measurement model is
polio_dmeasure <- Csnippet("
double tol = 1.0e-25;
double mean_cases = rho*IO;
double sd_cases = sqrt(pow(tau*IO,2) + mean_cases);
if(cases > 0.0){
lik = pnorm(cases+0.5,mean_cases,sd_cases,1,0) - pnorm(cases-0.5,mean_cases,sd_cases,1,0) + tol;
} else{
lik = pnorm(cases+0.5,mean_cases,sd_cases,1,0) + tol;
if (give_log) lik = log(lik);
polio_rmeasure <- Csnippet("
cases = rnorm(rho*IO, sqrt( pow(tau*IO,2) + rho*IO ) );
if (cases > 0.0) {
cases = nearbyint(cases);
} else {
cases = 0.0;
The map from the initial value parameters to the initial value of the states at time \(t_0\) is coded by the initializer function:
polio_initializer <- Csnippet("
SB1 = SB1_0;
SB2 = SB2_0;
SB3 = SB3_0;
SB4 = SB4_0;
SB5 = SB5_0;
SB6 = SB6_0;
IB = 0;
IO = IO_0 * P;
SO = SO_0 * P;
To carry out parameter estimation, it is also helpful to have transformations that map each parameter into the whole real line:
polio_toEstimationScale <- Csnippet("
Tpsi = log(psi);
Trho = logit(rho);
Ttau = log(tau);
Tsigma_dem = log(sigma_dem);
Tsigma_env = log(sigma_env);
TSO_0 = logit(SO_0);
TIO_0 = logit(IO_0);
polio_fromEstimationScale <- Csnippet("
Tpsi = exp(psi);
Trho = expit(rho);
Ttau = exp(tau);
Tsigma_dem = exp(sigma_dem);
Tsigma_env = exp(sigma_env);
TSO_0 = expit(SO_0);
TIO_0 = expit(IO_0);
We can now put these pieces together into a pomp object.
polio <- pomp(
(time > polio_t0 + 0.01) & (time < 1953+1/12+0.01),
rprocess = euler.sim( = polio_rprocess, delta.t=1/12),
rmeasure= polio_rmeasure,
dmeasure = polio_dmeasure,
obsnames = polio_obsnames,
statenames = polio_statenames,
paramnames = polio_paramnames,
covarnames = c("xi1","B","P"),
To develop and debug code, it is nice to have a version that runs extra quickly.
To facilitate switching quickly between versions of the document that have different run times, we set up run_level
will set all the algorithmic parameters to the first column of values in the following code.
Here, Np
is the number of particles (i.e., sequential Monte Carlo sample size), and Nmif
is the number of iterations of the optimization procedure carried out below.
Empirically, Np=5000
and Nmif=200
are around the minimum required to get stable results with an error in the likelihood of order 1 log unit for this example; this is implemented by setting run_level=2
One can then ramp up to larger values for more refined computations, implemented here by run_level=3
polio_Np <- c(100,5e3,1e4)
polio_Nmif <- c(10, 200,400)
polio_Nreps_eval <- c(2, 10, 20)
polio_Nreps_local <- c(10, 20, 40)
polio_Nreps_global <-c(10, 20, 100)
polio_Nsim <- c(50,100, 500)
Here, run_level
is coded differently from the previous case studies. It is functionally equivalent. Which way you prefer is up to you, but seeing different alternatives may help to clarify the goal of the code.
is a facility that is convenient for when you are editing the source code. It plays no fundamental role in the final results. If you are not editing the source code, or using the code as a template for developing your own analysis, it has no function.
When you edit a document with different run_level
options, you can debug your code by editing run_level=1
. Then, you can get preliminary assessment of whether your results are sensible with run_level=2
and get finalized results, with reduced Monte Carlo error, by editing run_level=3
In practice, you probably want run_level=1
to run in minutes, run_level=2
to run in tens of minutes, and run_level=3
to run in hours.
You can increase or decrease the numbers of particles, or the number of mif2 iterations, or the number of global searches carried out, to make sure this procedure is practical on your machine.
Appropriate values of the algorithmic parameters for each run-level are context dependent.
and mif2()
in pomp.Let’s carry out a likelihood evaluation at the reported MLE.
Since most modern machines have multiple cores, it is convenient to do some parallelization to generate replicated calls to pfilter
. Notice that the replications are averaged using the logmeanexp
t1 <- system.time(
pf1 <- foreach(i=1:20,.packages='pomp',
.options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)) %dopar% try(
(L1 <- logmeanexp(sapply(pf1,logLik),se=TRUE))
## se
## -794.5299165 0.1076427
This setup has minor differences in notation, model construction and code compared to Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015). The MLE reported for these data by Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015) is -794.34 (with Monte Carlo evaluation error of 0.18) which is similar to the log likelihood at the MLE for our model (-794.53 with Monte Carlo evaluation error 0.11). This suggests that the differences do not substantially improve or decrease the fit of our model compared to Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015). When different calculations match reasonably closely, it demonstrates some reproducibility of both results.
The scientific purpose of fitting a model typically involves analyzing properties of the fitted model, often investigated using simulation. Following Martinez-Bakker et al. (2015), we are interested in how often months with no reported cases (\(Y_n=0\)) correspond to months without any local asymptomatic cases, defined for our continuous state model as \(I^B_n+I^O_n<1/2\). For Wisconsin, using our model at the estimated MLE, we compute as follows:
t_sim <- system.time(
sim <- foreach(i=1:polio_Nsim[run_level],.packages='pomp',
.options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)) %dopar%
no_cases_data <- sum(obs(polio)==0)
no_cases_sim <- sum(sapply(sim,obs)==0)/length(sim)
fadeout1_sim <- sum(sapply(sim,function(po)states(po)["IB",]+states(po)["IO",]<1))/length(sim)
fadeout100_sim <- sum(sapply(sim,function(po)states(po)["IB",]+states(po)["IO",]<100))/length(sim)
imports_sim <- coef(polio)["psi"]*mean(sapply(sim,function(po) mean(states(po)["SO",]+states(po)["SB1",]+states(po)["SB2",]+states(po)["SB3",]+states(po)["SB4",]+states(po)["SB5",]+states(po)["SB6",])))/12
For the data, there were 26 months with no reported cases, in reasonable accordance with the mean of 37.6 for simulations from the fitted model. Months with no asyptomatic infections for the simulations were rare, on average 0.5 months per simulation. Months with fewer than 100 infections averaged 53.1 per simulation, which in the context of a reporting rate of 0.0124 can explain the absences of case reports. For this model, the mean monthly infections due to importations (more specifically, due to the term \(\psi\), whatever its biological interpretation) is 137.1. This does not give much opportunity for local elimination of poliovirus. One could profile over \(\psi\) to investigate how sensitive this conclusion is to values of \(\psi\) consistent with the data.
It is also good practice to look at simulations from the fitted model:
mle_simulation <- simulate(polio,seed=127)
We see from this simulation that the fitted model can generate report histories that look qualitatively similar to the data. However, there are things to notice in the reconstructed latent states. Specifically, the pool of older susceptibles, \(S^O(t)\), is mostly increasing. The reduced case burden in the data in the time interval 1932–1945 is explained by a large initial recovered (\(R\)) population, which implies much higher levels of polio before 1932. There were large epidemics of polio in the USA early in the 20th century, so this is not implausible.
A liklihood profile over the parameter \(\tilde S^O_0\) could help to clarify to what extent this is a critical feature of how the model explains the data.
polio_rw.sd_rp <- 0.02
polio_rw.sd_ivp <- 0.2
polio_cooling.fraction.50 <- 0.5
t2 <- system.time({
m2 <- foreach(i=1:polio_Nreps_local[run_level],
.packages='pomp', .combine=c,
.options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)) %dopar% try(
lik_m2 <- foreach(i=1:polio_Nreps_local[run_level],.packages='pomp',
.combine=rbind,.options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)) %dopar%
r2 <- data.frame(logLik=lik_m2[,1],logLik_se=lik_m2[,2],t(sapply(m2,coef)))
if (run_level>1)
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -1026.7 -795.2 -795.0 -813.4 -794.9 -794.4
When carrying out parameter estimation for dynamic systems, we need to specify beginning values for both the dynamic system (in the state space) and the parameters (in the parameter space). By convention, we use initial values for the initialization of the dynamic system and starting values for initialization of the parameter search.
Practical parameter estimation involves trying many starting values for the parameters. One can specify a large box in parameter space that contains all parameter vectors which seem remotely sensible. If an estimation method gives stable conclusions with starting values drawn randomly from this box, this gives some confidence that an adequate global search has been carried out.
For our polio model, a box containing reasonable parameter values might be
polio_box <- rbind(
We then carry out a search identical to the local one except for the starting parameter values. This can be succinctly coded by calling mif2
on the previously constructed object, m2[[1]]
, with a reset starting value:
t3 <- system.time({
m3 <- foreach(i=1:polio_Nreps_global[run_level],.packages='pomp',.combine=c,
.options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)) %dopar%
lik_m3 <- foreach(i=1:polio_Nreps_global[run_level],.packages='pomp',.combine=rbind,
.options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)) %dopar% {
r3 <- data.frame(logLik=lik_m3[,1],logLik_se=lik_m3[,2],t(sapply(m3,coef)))
if(run_level>1) write.table(r3,file="polio_params.csv",append=TRUE,col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -1012.5 -795.6 -795.1 -805.7 -794.9 -794.5
Evaluation of the best result of this search gives a likelihood of -794.5 with a standard error of 0.1. We see that optimization attempts from diverse remote starting points can approach our MLE, but do not exceed it. This gives us some reasonable confidence in our MLE.
Plotting these diverse parameter estimates can help to give a feel for the global geometry of the likelihood surface
nb_lik <- function(theta) -sum(dnbinom(as.vector(obs(polio)),size=exp(theta[1]),prob=exp(theta[2]),log=TRUE))
nb_mle <- optim(c(0,-5),nb_lik)
## [1] -1036.227
We see that a model with likelihood below -1036.2 is unreasonable. This explains a cutoff around this value in the global searches: in these cases, the model is finding essentially IID explanations for the data.
Linear, Gaussian auto-regressive moving-average (ARMA) models provide non-mechansitic fits to the data including flexible dependence relationships. We fit to \(\log(y_n^*+1)\) and correct the likelihood back to the scale appropriate for the untransformed data:
log_y <- log(as.vector(obs(polio))+1)
arma_fit <- arima(log_y,order=c(2,0,2),seasonal=list(order=c(1,0,1),period=12))
## [1] -822.0827
, which we now investigate.polio_params <- read.table("polio_params.csv",row.names=NULL,header=TRUE)
When carrying out parameter estimation for dynamic systems, we need to specify beginning values for both the dynamic system (in the state space) and the parameters (in the parameter space). By convention, we use initial values for the initialization of the dynamic system and starting values for initialization of the parameter search.
Discuss issues in specifying and inferring initial conditions, with particular reference to this polio example.
Suggest a possible improvement in the treatment of initial conditions here, code it up and make some preliminary assessment of its effectiveness. How will you decide if it is a substantial improvement?
Comment on the computations above, for parameter estimation using randomized starting values. Propose and try out at least one modification of the procedure. How could one make a formal statement quantifying the error of the optimization procedure?
Are there outliers in the data (i.e., observations that do not fit well with our model)? Are we using unnecessarily large amounts of computer time to get our results? Are there indications that we would should run our computations for longer? Or maybe with different choices of algorithmic settings?
In particular, cooling.fraction.50
gives the fraction by which the random walk standard deviation is decreased (“cooled”) in 50 iterations. If cooling.fraction.50
is too small, the search will “freeze” too soon, evidenced by flat parallel lines in the convergence diagnostics. If cooling.fraction.50
is too large, the researcher may run of of time, patience or computing budget (or all three) before the parameter trajectories approach an MLE.
Interpret the diagnostic plots below. Carry out some numerical experiments to test your interpretations.
One could look at filtering diagnostics at the MLE, for example, plot(pf1[[1]])
but the diagnostic plots for iterated filtering include filtering diagnostics for the last iteration anyhow, so let’s just consider the mif
diagnostic plot. Looking at several simultaneously permits assessment of Monte Carlo variability. plot
applied to a mifList
object does this: here, m3
is of class mifList
since that is the class resulting from concatenation of mif2d.pomp
objects using c()
## [1] "mif2List"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "pomp"
## [1] "mif2d.pomp"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "pomp"
The likelihood is particularly important to keep in mind. If parameter estimates are numerically unstable, that could be a consequence of a weakly identified parameter subspace. The presence of some weakly identified combinations of parameters is not fundamentally a scientific flaw; rather, our scientific inquiry looks to investigate which questions can and cannot be answered in the context of a set of data and modeling assumptions. Thus, as long as the search is demonstrably approaching the maximum likelihood region we should not necessarily be worried about the stability of parameter values (at least, from the point of diagnosing successful maximization). So, let’s zoom in on the likelihood convergence:
loglik_convergence <-,conv.rec(m3[r3$logLik>max(r3$logLik)-10],"loglik"))
These notes draw on material developed for a short course on Simulation-based Inference for Epidemiological Dynamics by Aaron King and Edward Ionides, taught at the University of Washington Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Ionides, E. L., D. Nguyen, Y. Atchadé, S. Stoev, and A. A. King. 2015. Inference for dynamic and latent variable models via iterated, perturbed Bayes maps. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA 112:719–724.
Martinez-Bakker, M., A. A. King, and P. Rohani. 2015. Unraveling the transmission ecology of polio. PLoS Biology 13:e1002172.