
The automotive industry is one of the greatest economic forces in the world. In the United States, Ford and Tesla are the leading brands in this industry[7]. On one hand, Tesla has built its reputation rapidly since the brand was founded in 2003. On the other hand, Ford is rich in the legacy and history of some of the most iconic vehicles in the last century. With the new surging demand for electric vehicles and Ford’s aggressive entrance to the market, investors are examining the competition closely.

Stocks are one way to measure and compare growth. The data sets used in this analysis contains 1,259 daily observations of stock prices from March 27, 2017 to March 24, 2022, for each of the two companies. We will use the adjusted close prices for each day in the models. The data sets are retrieved from Yahoo! Finance.

There are lots of previous projects investigating the volatility of the stock price. However, most of them focus on one stock. This study will investigate the volatility in Ford’s and Tesla’s stock prices and observe any trends. The models we will use are: ARIMA, GARCH and POMP. We will compare the performance of the 3 kinds of models for volatility using AIC. We will then compare model performance and estimates for the 2 stocks, in which the differences may reflect behaviors of the two automotive brands.

Ford_raw = read.csv("F_27Mar2017_24Mar2022.csv")
Tesla_raw = read.csv("TSLA_27Mar2017_24Mar2022.csv")
Ford_lreturn = diff(log(Ford_raw$Adj.Close))
Tesla_lreturn = diff(log(Tesla_raw$Adj.Close))
Ford = ts(Ford_raw$Adj.Close, start=c(2017, 3, 27), frequency=253)
Tesla = ts(Tesla_raw$Adj.Close, start=c(2017, 3, 27), frequency=253)
Ford_LR = ts(Ford_lreturn, start=c(2017, 3, 27), frequency=253)
Tesla_LR = ts(Tesla_lreturn, start=c(2017, 3, 27), frequency=253)

Exploratory Data Analysis

From Figure 1, we can tell that both stocks have an apparent increasing trend. It is worth noting that the increment of Tesla stock is much faster than Ford stock. The stock prices of Ford range from $4 to $25 while Tesla range from $35 to over $1000.

# plot of stock price
plot(ts(cbind(Ford, Tesla), start=c(2017, 3, 27), frequency=253), 
      main="Stock Price: Ford vs Tesla")
Figure 1: Stock Price of Ford vs Tesla

Figure 1: Stock Price of Ford vs Tesla

We want to analysis the volatility of return rates between two stocks. We use log return rate of price, and calculated as the following: (why we want to use log return instead of return?) \[ \begin{aligned} R_n = \log(y_n) - \log(y_{n-1}) \end{aligned} \] where \(R_n\) is the return rate at day \(n\), and \(y_n\) is the stock price at day \(n\)

# plot of stock return
plot(ts(cbind(Ford_LR, Tesla_LR), start=c(2017, 3, 27), frequency=253), 
      main="Log Return Rate: Ford vs Tesla")
Figure 2: Stock Log Return of Ford vs Tesla

Figure 2: Stock Log Return of Ford vs Tesla

From the graph of log return rates between Ford and Tesla (Figure 2), we can tell that the volatility of Tesla is greater than Ford, with variance 0.001508 versus 0.000578. We also notice that the variance of Ford’s return increase after 2020 where the variance is roughly double. As for Tesla, the variance also increase from 0.00136 to 0.00173.

# decomposition plot
decomp_Ford = decompose(Ford_LR)
decomp_Tesla = decompose(Tesla_LR)
trends = cbind(Ford_trend=decomp_Ford$trend, Tesla_trend=decomp_Tesla$trend)
plot(trends, main="Decomposition plot of trend for Ford and Tesla Log Return")
Figure 3: Decomposition plot of trend for Ford and Tesla Log Return

Figure 3: Decomposition plot of trend for Ford and Tesla Log Return

The decomposition plots (Figure 3) for the log return of Ford and Tesla shows that the trends are different. Before mid 2019, the trends for both companies are flat. After decreasing around mid 2019, the trend of Ford increases and keeps around certain level. The trend of Tesla also increases but starts decreasing after mid 2020. There is no seasonal pattern for the log returns of both companies.

plot(acf(Ford_LR, plot=F), main="ACF of Ford log return")
plot(acf(Tesla_LR, plot=F), main="ACF of Tesla log return")
Figure 4: ACF plots of Ford and Tesla Log Return

Figure 4: ACF plots of Ford and Tesla Log Return

We attempted to fit an ARMA model that captures the time series data for both Ford and Tesla. The AIC table shows the AIC value for each of the 20 models with different auto-regressive and moving average parameters. The lowest AIC value comes from the ARMA(0,0) model, which simply models white noise and is not particularly useful for the context of stock volatility. Other models with competitive AIC values are not invertible or causal, with polynomial roots inside of the unit circle. More details and outputs can be found in the appended RMarkdown file, but we will not focus on these results in the report as they are not useful to our research question.

GARCH models

In financial data, statistics are changing over time. ARCH and GARCH models are the widely used solution for this problem. GARCH stands for Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity [2]. The GARCH(p, q) has the form \[ Y_n = \epsilon\sqrt{V_n} \] where \[ V_n = \alpha_0 + \sum_{j=1}^p\alpha_jY_{n-j}^2 + \sum_{k=1}^q\beta_kV_{n-k} \] and \(\epsilon_{1:N}\) is white noise.

Normal GARCH

First, we try to fit several normal GARCH(p, q) models [6], where \[ \epsilon_{1:N} \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0, 1) \] and we use grid search to find the optimal model with highest log likelihood.

garch_table = function(data, P, Q){
  table = matrix(NA, P, Q)
  for (p in 1:P){
    for (q in 1:Q){
      fit.garch = garch(data, order=c(p, q), trace=F, grad="numerical")
      table[p, q] = tseries:::logLik.garch(fit.garch) ## record log likelihood
  dimnames(table) = list(paste("p", 1:P, sep=""), paste("q", 1:Q, sep=""))

ford_garch_table = garch_table(Ford_LR, 3, 3)
knitr::kable(ford_garch_table, digits=2)
q1 q2 q3
p1 3080.75 2967.59 2982.32
p2 3087.87 2971.14 2986.48
p3 3085.57 2972.23 2992.53

The optimal model for Ford log return is GARCH(2, 1) with highest log likelihood 3087.87

tesla_garch_table = garch_table(Tesla_LR, 3, 3)
knitr::kable(tesla_garch_table, digits=2)
q1 q2 q3
p1 2393.31 2390.55 2383.56
p2 2390.99 2390.98 2385.14
p3 2388.87 2390.80 2390.16

The optimal model for Tesla log return is GARCH(1, 1) with highest log likelihood 2393.31

Normal GARCH Diagnostic

Figure 5: normal GARCH Diagnostic Plots for Ford

Figure 5: normal GARCH Diagnostic Plots for Ford

From the diagnostic plots for Ford log return (Figure 5), the optimal GARCH(2,1) model seems not be a good fit. The Normal QQ-plot of residuals have heavy tails on both sides. There is not much improvement by fitting GARCH(1,1), comparing with original distribution.

Figure 6: normal GARCH Diagnostic Plots for Tesla

Figure 6: normal GARCH Diagnostic Plots for Tesla

According to the diagnostic plots above (Figure 6), the optimal GARCH(1,1) model also not a good fit for Tesla log return. The Normal QQ-plot of residuals have heavy tails on both sides. Although there is a slight improvement on the right tail, comparing with orignal distribution, we still believe that we need to go beyong normal GARCH model.

t-dist GARCH

Next, we try out GARCH model with conditionally \(t\)-distribution model [5]. The \(t\)- distribution GARCH(1, 1) model is a typical fit for log-return series. Simialr to normal GARCH model, we have the same structure for \(Y_n\), \(V_n\). \(\epsilon_n\) is still white noise but with \(t\)-distributed.

We adopt grid search with different \(p\) and \(q\) to find the optimal model

garcht_table = function(data, P, Q){
  table = matrix(NA, P, Q)
  for (p in 1:P){
    for (q in 1:Q){
      form = formula(paste("~garch(",p,",",q,")",collapse =" "))
      fit.garch = garchFit(form, data=data,, 
                         cond.dist=c("std"), include.mean=T, trace=F,
                         algorithm=c("nlminb"), hessian=c("ropt"))
      table[p, q] = -fit.garch@fit$llh ## record log likelihood
  dimnames(table) = list(paste("p", 1:P, sep=""), paste("q", 1:Q, sep=""))

ford_garcht_table = garcht_table(Ford_LR, 3, 3)
knitr::kable(ford_garcht_table, digits=2)
q1 q2 q3
p1 3189.48 3187.00 3190.53
p2 3200.05 3186.56 3193.20
p3 3181.67 3185.61 3195.35

The optimal model of Ford based on log likelihood is GARCH(2, 3). But we prefer GARCH(1,1) which is relatively simpler and widely used model, given that the differences between two log likelihood scores are not significant. Moreover, the GARCH(1, 1) model is easier to interpret with fewer parameters. The log likelihood for GARCH(1, 1) is 3189.48. We also notice that the conditionally \(t\)-distributed GARCH model performs better than normal GARCH in terms of the log likelihood, which increases from 3087.87 to 3189.48.

tesla_garcht_table = garcht_table(Tesla_LR, 3, 3)
knitr::kable(tesla_garcht_table, digits=2)
q1 q2 q3
p1 2484.77 2485.11 2486.35
p2 2484.42 2485.11 2486.75
p3 2484.44 2485.16 2486.75

All 9 models for Tesla have similar log likelihood scores. We prefer GARCH(1, 1) since it is more popular and relative easy to interpret. The log likelihood for GARCH(1, 1) is 2484.77. Comparing with normal GARCH(1, 1) model, the t-distr GARCH(1, 1) increases the log likelihood from 2393.31 to 2484.77.

t-dist GARCH Diagnostic

# GARCH t-dist Ford
ford_garcht11 = garchFit(~garch(1,1), data=Ford_LR,, 
                         cond.dist=c("std"), include.mean=T, trace=F,
                         algorithm=c("nlminb"), hessian=c("ropt"))
ford_garcht_res = ford_garcht11@residuals
quantv = (1/length(ford_garcht_res))*seq(0.5, length(ford_garcht_res)-0.5, 1)
qqplot(qt(quantv, ford_garcht11@fit$matcoef[6]),
       main="QQ plot for t-dist on residuals",
       xlab="Theoretical Quantiles", ylab="Sample Quantiles")
qqline(ford_garcht11@residuals/ford_garcht11@sigma.t, distribution = function(p)
        qt(p, ford_garcht11@fit$matcoef[6]), prob=c(0.1, 0.9))
plot(acf(ford_garcht_res, plot=F), main="ACF of Ford t-dist residuals")
Figure 7: t-dist GARCH Diagnostic Plots for Ford

Figure 7: t-dist GARCH Diagnostic Plots for Ford

The Ford t-distribution QQ-plots of residuals for GARCH(1, 1) shows a much better fit than GARCH(2,1) with conditionally normal model. There are only several points on the left and right tails are heavier than t-distribution (Figure 7). However, the autocorrelation plot shows that there are still some correlations between residuals at lag 7 and lag 10. Given that correlations between residuals at lag 7 and 10 may be exist, we still believe that for Ford, GARCH(1, 1) with conditionally t-distributed model is better than conditionally normal one.

# GARCH t-dist Tesla
tesla_garcht11 = garchFit(~garch(1,1), data=Tesla_LR,, 
                         cond.dist=c("std"), include.mean=T, trace=F,
                         algorithm=c("nlminb"), hessian=c("ropt"))
tesla_garcht_res = tesla_garcht11@residuals
quantv = (1/length(tesla_garcht_res))*seq(0.5, length(tesla_garcht_res)-0.5, 1)
qqplot(qt(quantv, tesla_garcht11@fit$matcoef[6]),
       main="QQ plot for t-dist on residuals",
       xlab="Theoretical Quantiles", ylab="Sample Quantiles")
qqline(tesla_garcht11@residuals/tesla_garcht11@sigma.t, distribution = function(p)
        qt(p, tesla_garcht11@fit$matcoef[6]), prob=c(0.1, 0.9))
plot(acf(tesla_garcht_res, plot=F), main="ACF of Tesla t-dist residuals")
Figure 8: t-dist GARCH Diagnostic Plots for Tesla

Figure 8: t-dist GARCH Diagnostic Plots for Tesla

The Tesla t-distribution QQ-plots of residuals for GARCH(1, 1) in Figure 8 also shows a much better fit than previous GARCH(1, 1). Almost every point fall on or near the qqline. There is no significant heavy tails on both sides. The autocorrelation plot shows no correlation between residuals. Based on the diagnostic plots above, we believe that GARCH(1, 1) with conditionally t-distributed model is the better fit for Tesla.

# prediction plot
# par(mfrow=c(2,1))
ford_ahead = ts(predict(ford_garcht11, n.ahead=50), start=c(2022, 3, 20), 
ford_pred = ts(cbind(ford_garcht11@sigma.t, -ford_garcht11@sigma.t), 
               start=c(2017, 3, 27), frequency=253)
plot(Ford_LR, type="l", xlab="Time", ylab="Ford Log Returns", 
     ylim=c(-0.2, 0.2), xlim=c(2017, 2022.150))
lines(ford_pred[,1], lwd=2, lty=1, col="blue")
lines(ford_pred[,2], lwd=2, lty=1, col="blue")
lines(ford_ahead[,1], lwd=2, lty=1, col="red")
lines(ford_ahead[,1]+ford_ahead[,2], lwd=2, lty=1, col="green")
lines(ford_ahead[,1]-ford_ahead[,2] , lwd=2, lty=1, col="green")
legend("topleft", legend=c("log returns", "fitted volatility", 
                           "predicted log returns", "predicted volatility"), 
       col=c("black", "blue", "red", "green"), lty=1)
Figure 9: Volatility Fit and Prediction for Ford

Figure 9: Volatility Fit and Prediction for Ford

tesla_ahead = ts(predict(tesla_garcht11, n.ahead=50), start=c(2022, 3, 20), 
tesla_pred = ts(cbind(tesla_garcht11@sigma.t, -tesla_garcht11@sigma.t), 
               start=c(2017, 3, 27), frequency=253)
plot(Tesla_LR, type="l", xlab="Time", ylab="Tesla Log Returns", 
     ylim=c(-0.2, 0.2), xlim=c(2017, 2022.150))
lines(tesla_pred[,1], lwd=2, lty=1, col="blue")
lines(tesla_pred[,2], lwd=2, lty=1, col="blue")
lines(tesla_ahead[,1], lwd=2, lty=1, col="red")
lines(tesla_ahead[,1]+ford_ahead[,2], lwd=2, lty=1, col="green")
lines(tesla_ahead[,1]-ford_ahead[,2] , lwd=2, lty=1, col="green")
legend("topleft", legend=c("log returns", "fitted volatility", 
                           "predicted log returns", "predicted volatility"), 
       col=c("black", "blue", "red", "green"), lty=1)
Figure 10: Volatility Fit and Prediction for Tesla

Figure 10: Volatility Fit and Prediction for Tesla

With two t-distr GARCH(1, 1) models for Ford and Tesla log return, we plot the graphics with log returns as well as fitted volatility (Figure 9 and 10). It is clear to see that the fitted volatility for Tesla is wider than Ford, which indicates that the Ford tends to be more stable than Tesla. We also fit 50 days ahead for both models. The predicted log returns are very close to 0, while the predicted volatility increases significantly as time increase.


Model Structure

Financial markets consist of non-stationary behaviors and therefore often require models that adequately address the time-varying parameters. The POMP model allows us to model volatility as a latent stochastic process, in which the volatility in the stock prices are indirectly observed from the returns. In the POMP model, we model the state variables \((G_n, H_n, Y_n)\): \(G_n\) is the random walk component that drives leverage \(R_n\), \(H_n\) represents the volatility and \(Y_n\) is the measurement that serves as the perfectly observed latent state. We use the same implementation as in Breto (2014)[2]: \[G_n = G_{n-1} + \nu_n\] \[R_n = \frac{\exp\{2G_N\}-1}{\exp\{2G_N\}-1}\] \[H_n = \mu_h(1-\phi)+\phi H_{n-1} + \beta_{n-1} R_n \exp\{-H_{n-1}/2\} + \omega_n\] \[Y_n = \exp\{H_n/2\}\].

ford = read.csv("F_27Mar2017_24Mar2022.csv")
Y = (log(ford$Adj.Close) - log(lag(ford$Adj.Close)))
ford$returns_cntr = Y - mean(Y, na.rm = TRUE)

statenames <- c("H","G","Y_state")
rp_names <- c("sigma_nu","mu_h","phi","sigma_eta")
ivp_names <- c("G_0","H_0")
paramnames <- c(rp_names, ivp_names)

rproc1 <- Csnippet("
  double beta,omega,nu;
  omega = rnorm(0,sigma_eta * sqrt( 1- phi*phi ) *
  nu = rnorm(0, sigma_nu);
  G += nu;
  beta = Y_state * sigma_eta * sqrt( 1- phi*phi );
  H = mu_h*(1 - phi) + phi*H + beta * tanh( G )
  * exp(-H/2) + omega;
rproc2.sim <- Csnippet("Y_state = rnorm( 0,exp(H/2) );")
rproc2.filt <- Csnippet("Y_state = covaryt;")

# ford_rproc.sim = paste(rproc1,rproc2.sim)
rproc.sim = Csnippet("
  double beta,omega,nu;
  omega = rnorm(0,sigma_eta * sqrt( 1- phi*phi ) *
  nu = rnorm(0, sigma_nu);
  G += nu;
  beta = Y_state * sigma_eta * sqrt( 1- phi*phi );
  H = mu_h*(1 - phi) + phi*H + beta * tanh( G )
  * exp(-H/2) + omega;
  Y_state = rnorm( 0,exp(H/2) );")

# ford_rproc.filt = paste(rproc1,rproc2.filt) 
rproc.filt = Csnippet("
  double beta,omega,nu;
  omega = rnorm(0,sigma_eta * sqrt( 1- phi*phi ) *
  nu = rnorm(0, sigma_nu);
  G += nu;
  beta = Y_state * sigma_eta * sqrt( 1- phi*phi );
  H = mu_h*(1 - phi) + phi*H + beta * tanh( G )
  * exp(-H/2) + omega;
  Y_state = covaryt;")

rinit <- Csnippet("
G = G_0;
H = H_0;
Y_state = rnorm( 0,exp(H/2) );

rmeasure <- Csnippet("y=Y_state;")
dmeasure <- Csnippet("lik=dnorm(y,0,exp(H/2),give_log);")

partrans <- parameter_trans(

ford_y = ford$returns_cntr[-1]
ford_filter = pomp(data=data.frame(
  y = ford_y, time = 1:length(ford_y)),
  statenames = statenames,
  paramnames = paramnames,
  times = "time",
  covar = covariate_table(
    time = 0:length(ford_y),
    covaryt = c(0,ford_y),
    times = "time"),
  rmeasure = rmeasure,
  dmeasure = dmeasure,
  rprocess = discrete_time( = rproc.filt, delta.t = 1),
  rinit = rinit,
  partrans = partrans

params_test = c(sigma_nu = exp(-6.5),
                mu_h = -0.25,
                phi = expit(4),
                sigma_eta = exp(-0.07),
                G_0 = 0,
                H_0 = 0)

sim1.sim = pomp(ford_filter,
                 statenames = statenames,
                 paramnames = paramnames,
                 rprocess = discrete_time( = rproc.sim, delta.t=1))

sim1.sim = simulate(sim1.sim, seed = 531, params = params_test)

sim1.filt = pomp(sim1.sim,
                 covar = covariate_table(time = c(timezero(sim1.sim), time(sim1.sim)),
                                         covaryt = c(obs(sim1.sim), NA),
                                         times = "time"),
                 statenames = statenames,
                 paramnames = paramnames,
                 rprocess = discrete_time( = rproc.filt, delta.t = 1))

run_level <- 3
ford_Np = switch(run_level, 100, 1e3, 1e3)
ford_Nmif = switch(run_level,  10, 100, 100)
ford_Nreps_eval = switch(run_level,   4,  10, 10)
ford_Nreps_local = switch(run_level,  10,  10, 20)
ford_Nreps_global = switch(run_level,  10,  20, 100) # 200 global reps

As an initial surface-level investigation, we replicate the filtering process 20 times with 2000 particles in each iteration. The unbiased likelihood estimate is -1748.8 with a Monte Carlo standard error of 0.0964. This estimate can serve as our rough benchmark, but we should continue with more in-depth iterated filtering to see the geometry of the likelihood surface.

cores <- as.numeric(Sys.getenv('SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE', unset=NA))
if( cores <- detectCores()  
stew(file = sprintf("pf1-%d.rda", run_level), {
  t.pf1 = system.time(pf1 <- foreach(i=1:ford_Nreps_eval,
                                     .packages = 'pomp') %do%
                        pfilter(sim1.filt, Np = ford_Np))})
loglik1 = logmeanexp(sapply(pf1,logLik),se=TRUE)
loglik1 %>% print()
##                          se 
## -1753.5307543     0.2191247

Tesla POMP

Model Structure

Given above background, we now construct our volatility model for Tesla to compare the Tesla and Ford. We will define a recursive particle filter by defining particle \(j\) at time n-1:

\[X_{n-1, j}^{F}=\left(G_{n-1, j}^{F}, H_{n-1, j}^{F}, y_{n-1}\right)\]

Then we can build prediction particles:

\[\left(G_{n, j}^{P}, H_{n, j}^{P}\right) \sim f_{G_{n}, H_{n} | G_{n-1}, H_{n-1}, Y_{n-1}}\left(g_{n} | G_{n-1, j}^{F}, H_{n-1, j}^{F}, y_{n-1}\right)\] with weight \[w_{n, j}=f_{Y_{n} | G_{n}, H_{n}}\left(y_{n} | G_{n, j}^{P}, H_{n, j}^{P}\right)\]

The notations follows the class notes introduced in class note. To combine the above idea with Monte Carlo, we start with specifying the POMP model parameters and volatility model, we would have two pomp objects (filter and simulation). The model is built on the lecture node and with our own parameters choice for fine-tuning the results.

##           Date       Open       High        Low      Close  Adj.Close   Volume
## 895 2020-10-13 443.350006 448.890015 436.600006 446.649994 446.649994 34463700
## 896 2020-10-14 449.779999 465.899994 447.350006 461.299988 461.299988 47879700
## 897 2020-10-15 450.309998 456.570007 442.500000 448.880005 448.880005 35672400
## 898 2020-10-16 454.440002 455.950012 438.850006 439.670013 439.670013 32775900
## 899 2020-10-19 446.239990 447.000000 428.869995 430.829987 430.829987 36287800
## 900 2020-10-20 431.750000 431.750000 419.049988 421.940002 421.940002 31656300
##              closingPrice
## nobs           365.000000
## NAs              0.000000
## Minimum        388.040009
## Maximum       1229.910034
## 1. Quartile    646.979980
## 3. Quartile    870.429993
## Mean           762.883067
## Median         730.169983
## Sum         278452.319301
## SE Mean          9.655665
## LCL Mean       743.895176
## UCL Mean       781.870958
## Variance     34029.634692
## Stdev          184.471230
## Skewness         0.337451
## Kurtosis        -0.269239

Moreover, we need to initialize Y, G, and H for the pomp model, then we could define the initializing value of rmeasure and dmeasure. Here we build the main body of the POMP model based on above parameters.

Tesla.filt <- pomp(data=data.frame(
  rmeasure= rmeasure,
  dmeasure= dmeasure,
  rinit = rinit,
  partrans = partrans

Local Search

params_test <- c(
  sigma_nu = exp(-6.5),  
  mu_h = -0.25,    
  phi = expit(4),  
  sigma_eta = exp(-0.07),
  G_0 = 0,

sim1.sim <- pomp(Tesla.filt, 

sim1.sim <- simulate(sim1.sim,seed=531,params=params_test)

sim1.filt <- pomp(sim1.sim, 

run_level <- 3
Tesla_Np <-           switch(run_level, 100, 1e3, 2e3)
Tesla_Nmif <-         switch(run_level,  10, 100, 200)
Tesla_Nreps_eval <-   switch(run_level,   4,  10,  20)
Tesla_Nreps_local <-  switch(run_level,  10,  20,  20)
Tesla_Nreps_global <- switch(run_level,  10,  20, 100)
  t.pf1 <- system.time(
    pf1 <- foreach(i=1:Tesla_Nreps_eval,
                   .packages='pomp') %do% pfilter(sim1.filt,Np=Tesla_Np))
},seed = 4292020, kind = "L'Ecuyer")
L.pf1 <- logmeanexp(sapply(pf1,logLik),se=TRUE)

Here we show the fixed parameter choices of our self and also we build the simulation pomp object. Similarly, we build up the filter pomp object based on those parameter set. First, we conduct the particle filter as a baseline with running level 3. The unbiased likelihood estimate is -1610.31 with a standard error of 0.0983. Then, we tried a local search on a fixed-parameter model.

Tesla_rw.sd_rp <- 0.02
Tesla_rw.sd_ivp <- 0.1
Tesla_cooling.fraction.50 <- 0.5 <-
  sigma_nu  = Tesla_rw.sd_rp,
  mu_h      = Tesla_rw.sd_rp,
  phi       = Tesla_rw.sd_rp,
  sigma_eta = Tesla_rw.sd_rp,
  G_0       = ivp(Tesla_rw.sd_ivp),
  H_0       = ivp(Tesla_rw.sd_ivp)
  t.if1 <- system.time({
    if1 <- foreach(i=1:Tesla_Nreps_local,
                   .packages='pomp', .combine=c) %do% mif2(Tesla.filt,
    L.if1 <- foreach(i=1:Tesla_Nreps_local,
                     .packages='pomp', .combine=rbind) %do% logmeanexp(
                       replicate(Tesla_Nreps_eval, logLik(pfilter(Tesla.filt,
                                                                  params=coef(if1[[i]]),Np=Tesla_Np))), se=TRUE)
},seed = 4292020, kind = "L'Ecuyer")
r.if1 <- data.frame(logLik=L.if1[,1],logLik_se=L.if1[,2],
if (run_level>1) write.table(r.if1,file="Tesla_params.csv",
results_local = read.table("Tesla_params.csv",sep = " ")
colnames(results_local) = c("logLik", "logLik_se", "sigma_nu", "mu_h",
                      "phi", "sigma_eta", "G_0", "H_0")

Let’s evaluate the fixed parameter models with likelihood and diagnostic plots. We could see the maximum likelihood is 707.6 with a maximum standard error of 0.22389.

Figure 15: Pair Plot for Stochastic Leverge Model

Figure 15: Pair Plot for Stochastic Leverge Model

From Figure 15, we could analyze the geometry of the likelihood surface. It can be seen that the \(\sigma_{\nu}\) is around 0.005, which is away from our start value of exp(-6.5); \(\mu\) is distributed around our initial value of -0.25; \(\phi\) is distributed sparsely as two groups, which is not a good for comparing to our preset value; \(\sigma_{\eta}\) is distributed around 1, which is close to our start point \(exp(-0.07)\).

Figure 16: Trajectory of Parameter Convergence over Iterations

Figure 16: Trajectory of Parameter Convergence over Iterations

Figure 16: Trajectory of Parameter Convergence over Iterations

Figure 16: Trajectory of Parameter Convergence over Iterations

Figure 16 illustrates that not all parameters converged well in the local search. Overall, \(\sigma_{\nu}\) , \(\sigma_{\eta}\), \(G_{0}\) and \(H_{0}\) get converged roughly except some deviations. However, \(\mu_{h}\) did not converge well as iterations goes up. As our findings from the Figure 15, \(\phi\) tends to converge into two separate parts, which indicates there are two different modes. Moreover, we could see some random dips in effective sample sizes along the iterations, but the average levels seems good. With these observations, we moved to a global search for more precise analysis of model validation.

Global Search

Tesla_box <- rbind(
  mu_h    =c(-1,0),
  phi = c(0.95,0.99),
  sigma_eta = c(0.5,1),
  G_0 = c(-2,2),
  H_0 = c(-1,1)
stew(file=sprintf("box1_eval-%d.rda",run_level),{<- system.time({ <- foreach(i=1:Tesla_Nreps_global,
                      .packages='pomp',.combine=c) %do% mif2(if1[[1]],
                                params=apply(Tesla_box,1,function(x)runif(1,x))) <- foreach(i=1:Tesla_Nreps_global,
                     .packages='pomp',.combine=rbind) %do% {
                       logmeanexp(replicate(Tesla_Nreps_eval, logLik(pfilter(
},seed = 4292020, kind = "L'Ecuyer") <- data.frame([,1],[,2],
results_global = read.table("Tesla_params1.csv",sep = " ")
colnames(results_global) = c("logLik", "logLik_se", "sigma_nu", "mu_h",
                      "phi", "sigma_eta", "G_0", "H_0")

To run the global search, we firstly establish a set of random start parameters. Compared to the previous stochastic leverage model, our new model has improved a little on maximum likelihood, which reaches 709.6.

Figure 17: Pair Plot for Global Search

Figure 17: Pair Plot for Global Search

However, from Figure 17, it should be noticed that the projected convergence looks bad on \(\mu_{h}\), \(H_0\), and \(\phi\). Unconvergent patterns are shown in the plots.

Figure 18: Trajectory of Parameter Convergence over Iterations for Global Search

Figure 18: Trajectory of Parameter Convergence over Iterations for Global Search

Figure 18: Trajectory of Parameter Convergence over Iterations for Global Search

Figure 18: Trajectory of Parameter Convergence over Iterations for Global Search

Nevertheless, we could see from Figure 18 that the our parameters except \(\mu_{h}\) and \(\phi\) have converged well as iteration grows. The plot of \(\mu_{h}\) and \(\phi\) are similar to the previous local search. It also should be noticed that \(H_0\) and \(\mu_{h}\) also are weakly identified in POMP model of Tesla though the likelihood keep increasing with iterations. This is because the goal of the Monte Carlo optimizer is to get close to the MLE, measured by likelihood, rather than to obtain it exactly. Independent Mont Carlo searches can be combined via a profile likelihood to get a more exact point estimate and a confidence interval. From the HW8 we can know, wide confidence intervals, also called weak identifiability, are not necessarily a problem for the scientific investigation. Some parameters may be imprecisely estimable. Therefore, it makes sense that some parameters are not identified well. Moreover, we could see some random dips in effective sample sizes along the iterations, but the average levels seems good.


Based on our analysis, the GARCH with conditionally t-distributed models performed much better than the ones with conditionally normal models. The improvements of log likelihood were not significant, but the diagnostic plots of residuals suggested that conditional t-distributed model was more suitable for log returns. For both Ford and Tesla, we conclude that t-distributed GARCH(1,1) best captures the stock volatility while preserving the interpretability. Moreover, we observed that the fitted volatility for Tesla was wider than Ford, which indicates that the Ford tends to be more stable than Tesla. We also fitted 50 days ahead for both models. The predicted log returns were very close to 0, while the predicted volatility increases significantly as time increase. The prediction actually was not ideal. Prediction for a shorter time period, like 5 to 10 days in the future, may be more accurate.

Some parameters in the POMP models for both Ford and Tesla did not perform very well, as there is no real consistency in terms of log-likelihood among the iterations. In the results, we saw that the 75th percentile log-likelihood is many log units away form the maximum log-likelihood estimate, suggesting that the estimates are inconsistent and provide weak confidence to our MLE even after trying several different initial values. In both Ford and Tesla POMP models, \(\sigma_\nu\) and \(G_0\) converged but \(H_0\) and \(\mu_h\) are weakly identified. This is not a weakness of our model but a statistical fact. Therefore, the spread in the parameter estimates reflects uncertainty about the parameter given the data, rather than a lack of convergence.

The POMP models perform much better than the GARCH for both Ford and Tesla. Some potential improvements to the POMP models are trying more different initial guesses to optimize the fit or we could subset the data set to observations before the COVID-19 pandemic to exclude the dramatic shock to the market that may be hard for the model to explain without context. There are endless possible variables and shocks that can impact the stock market, and while countless analysts have tried to model and predict stock prices and volatility, the unpredictability remains a major characteristic and attraction to the stock market.


In-Class References

[1] Ch.14 Lecture notes with likelihood maximization material

[2] Ch.16 Lecture notes with financial case study

[3] Past STATS 531 final project from W20 “Volatility Analysis on Apple Stock” as reference:

[4] The format of the RMD layout is learned from

Out-Class References

[5] D. Ruppert, D. Matteson, Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering
with R examples, Springer, 2015

[6] M. Ghahramani, A. Thavaneswaran, A note on GARCH model identification, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 55, Issue 11, 2008, Pages 2469-2475,

[7] Ford vs. Tesla: Which Stock Is A Better Buy?


Historical Stock Price for Ford from Yahoo! Finance

Historical Stock Price for Tesla from Yahoo! Finance


All packages used are from