Submit your participation report for the time interval 4/5 to 4/18 as a pdf via Canvas. You are welcome to post on Piazza about any technical issues that arise during your final project, if your group gets stuck on something or if you suspect there is a better solution. This may unblind your project to your classmates, but that is not a big deal—they will still be blinded to you when they write project reviews.

The remaining classes concern case studies for developing and analyzing mechanistic models for time series data. There will not be any more homeworks, but there will be some discussion problems posted to Piazza related to lectures.

The participation report follows the same format used for previous participation reports, as described below.

Please copy-paste here all contributions you have made (if any) to the class Piazza site. The prefered format is a screen shot of your contribution which includes your name. This will be an efficient way for the grader to keep track of participation. You can also list here any other contributions you have made to our STATS/DATASCI 531 learning community during this interval, including contributions in class and office hours. Piazza is expected to be the most common form of active participation. If there is no discussion on the Piazza site that you want to join, start a new one! Participation is graded according to the participation rubric. The expectation is that you should have at least one constructive contribution to the class community each two week reporting period. Participation is not evaluated on whether it is right or wrong, indeed it is an opportunity to obtain feedback on your thoughts when you don’t know if they are correct or not.