Course information

Course components will include:

Instructor contact information:

GSI: Jesse Wheeler

Computing support. If you have a coding problem you cannot debug, it is often helpful to develop a minimal reproducible example that others can run to help you. You can share this, and the error message you obtain, with your group and/or on Piazza, or by email if necessary.

Course notes and lectures are posted at with source files available at

Supplementary textbook: R. Shumway and D. Stoffer Time Series Analysis and its Applications, 4th edition (2017). A pdf is available using the UM Library’s Springer subscription.

Recommended pre-requisites:

Statistical computing background:

Course outline

  1. Introduction to time series analysis.

  2. Time series models: Estimating trend and autocovariance.

  3. Stationarity, white noise, and some basic time series models.

  4. Linear time series models and the algebra of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models.

  5. Parameter estimation and model identification for ARMA models.

  6. Extending the ARMA model: Seasonality and trend.

  7. Introduction to the frequency domain.

  8. Smoothing in the time and frequency domains.

  9. Case study: An association between unemployment and mortality?

  10. Introduction to partially observed Markov process (POMP) models.

  11. Introduction to simulation-based inference for epidemiological dynamics via the pomp R package.

  12. Simulation of stochastic dynamic models.

  13. Likelihood for POMP models: Theory and practice.

  14. Likelihood maximization for POMP models.

  15. A case study of polio including covariates, seasonality & over-dispersion.

  16. A case study of financial volatility and a POMP model with observations driving latent dynamics.

  17. A case study of measles: Dynamics revealed in long time series.



Grading credit for attribution of sources

Careful attribution of sources is fundamental to good scholarship. The grader will look for demonstrated effort in submitted homework, with contributions that go beyond the sources.

  • Each homework will have a question asking about sources. You will be asked to explain which parts of your responses above made use of a source, meaning anything or anyone you consulted (including classmates or office hours or any website you visited) to help you write or check your answers. All sources are permitted. Every source must be documented. Full credit requires being explicit about which parts you did without any collaboration or other source, as well as being explicit about which parts used or did not use each listed source.

  • You should study the posted rubric to undertand how your homework will be graded.

  • The midterm and final project will also have a substantial grading component allocated to clear and scholarly assignment of credit to sources.

  • In group work, you are responsible for checking that the sources of your collaborators are properly documented. The whole group must take responsibility for material that the group submits.

The use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI)

  • GenAI is a source. You are welcome to use it, but its role shoule be credited. Also, note that current GenAI can write poorly in some situations. You should be careful to edit and error-check any material written using GenAI. You take full responsibility for work submitted under your name.

Student Mental Health and Wellbeing

University of Michigan is committed to advancing the mental health and wellbeing of its students. If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and/or in need of support, services are available. For help, contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 734.764.8312 and during and after hours, on weekends and holidays. You may also consult University Health Service (UHS) at 734.764.8320 and


Many people have contributed to the development of this course, including all former students and instructors. See the acknowlegements page for further details.