Homework 1. Building and maintaining healthy mentor/mentee relationships.
Homework 4. Data and the reproducibility of research results.
Homework 5. Conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment.
Homework 6. Collaborative research & Human participants and animal subjects.
Homework 8. Internet repositories for collaboration and open-source research: git and GitHub.
Homework 9. Linux and the open source software movement. Sample .bash_profile taken from my Mac laptop
No homework for the final week. The last class will be a capstone discussion of a recent paper from my group. We will focus on how issues discussed during the semester apply to this work: collaboration, coauthorship, peer review and publication, evaluating correctness, ethical decision-making, reproducibility, statistical computing. The paper under discussion is at https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.03085, and you are welcome to study it, though I’ll start the class with a presentation of the main ideas: slides posted.