We return to another case study from the short course Simulation-Based Inference for Epidemiological Dynamics (SBIED). Chapter 17 is Lesson 5 of SBIED. In Chapters 11–14, we used a single measles outbreak as a relatively simple example to demonstrate POMP models and inference. Now we see how an extension of this analysis becomes a topic of scientific interest. Modeling longer time series can be more challenging, since it is not simply enough to have a model that can describe how an epidemic wave surges and then retreats. On the other hand, the additional data from a sequence of outbreaks can inform a more detailed model.

We will focus on two new topics arising in the case study:

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R script R
Recording, Chapter 17, Part I Model development (40 min)
Recording, Chapter 17, Part II Interpreting the results (40 min)
Model construction and analysis script Rnw
Supplement: profile likelihood calculation HTML

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